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DN15 Lorawan Water Meter
Model: DN15~DN25
Lorawan wireless water meter using of advanced wireless transmission technology, it transforms metered information of conventional mechanical water meter into electrical signal have it stored by micro-electronics control circuit. It is able to automatically read the metering data via wireless remote network and control the close open of the valve.
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Remote Wireless Lora Sensor Water Meter
Model: LXSKZ-DN15~DN25
LORA wireless water meter using of advanced wireless transmission technology, it transforms metered information of conventional mechanical water meter into electrical signal have it stored by micro-electronics control circuit. It is able to automatically read the metering data via wireless remote network and control the close open of the valve.
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Smart NB Iot Water Meter
LORA wireless water meter using of advanced wireless transmission technology, it transforms metered information of conventional mechanical water meter into electrical signal have it stored by micro-electronics control circuit. It is able to automatically read the metering data via wireless remote network and control the close open of the valve.
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GPRS Valve Control Water Meters
Model: LXSKZ-DN15~DN25
GPRS Wireless Water Meter belong to high-tech products in the smart water meter, using of advanced wireless transmission technology. It transmission metered information of conventional mechanical water meter to Cloud server via GPRS. lt is able to automatically read the metering data via wireless remote network and control the close/open of the valve, and is also able to transfer the data to the back-office system (data center) after reading the meters by a wireless handset reader.
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NEW! CryptoMate Nano Cryptographic USB Token
Highly secure Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) token in compact size for demanding, on-the-go applications
Primary Applications
- e-Government
- Banking & Payment
- e-Healthcare
- Access Control
- Network Security
- Secured Email
- Digital Signature
- Public Key Infrastructure
- Transportation
ACOSJ-V VISA Certified EMV Payment Card (Contactless)
A VISA Certified (Visa Credit, Debit and Prepaid) EMV Payment card solution based on JAVA card platform.
Primary Applications
- Banking & Payment
- e-Purse Application
ACOSJ-P PBOC 3.0 DC/EC Card (Contactless)
JAVA card solution with built in PBOC 3.0-certified applet, compliant with the UnionPay standard
Primary Applications
- e-Government
- Banking & Payment
- e-Healthcare
ACOSJ Java Card (Contactless)
Overview ACOSJ is a smart card operating system developed by Advanced Card Systems Ltd. Compliant with Global Platform Card specifications
ACOS10 PBOC2.0 EDEP Payment Card (Contactless)
e-Deposit and e-Payment card with multiple interface options for versatility in banking applications
Primary Applications
- e-Government
- Banking & Payment
- Access Control
- Network Security
- e-Purse & Loyalty
- Transportation
ACOS5-EVO PKI Smart Card (Contactless)
PKI Smart Card supporting ECC and RSA with extended APDU support.
Primary Applications
- e-Government
- Secured Email
- Access Control
- Network Security
- Public Key Infrastructure
- Digital Signature
ACOS3 Microprocessor Card (Contactless)
Easy-to-use microprocessor smart card line with a wide range of memory capabilities
Primary Applications
- e-Government
- e-Healthcare
- Access Control
- Network Security
- e-Purse & Loyalty
- Transportion
ACOSJ-V VISA Certified EMV Payment Card (Contact)
A VISA Certified (Visa Credit, Debit and Prepaid) EMV Payment card solution based on JAVA card platform.
Primary Applications
- Banking & Payment
- e-Purse Application